- Available in two models: M5-ROV-2K 2,000 m depth rated and M5-ROV-4K 4,000 m depth rated.
- The Cygnus Topside Repeater (TSR) is available as an option and has the facility to display the thickness measurements remotely and overlay them on to a video signal. This allows the measurements to be superimposed on the ROV camera’s monitor screen.
- Selectable Deep Coat mode for measuring through coatings up to 20 mm thick.
- Supplied with CygLink software to display and log thickness measurements from the ROV on a computer at the surface which can be saved to a file and printed out.
- CygLink has two data logging facilities: Quick Log for simple recording of thickness measurements and Structured mode with four templates available - Single Point, Multi Point, Grid Point and Key Point.
- The ROV Gauge sends thickness measurement data to the surface via an RS-422 serial link, Cygnus can supply the RS-422 umbilical cable up to 1,200 m in length. For longer distances the ROV Gauge can output data in RS-232 mode.
- Fitted with a safety Pressure Relief Valve and Securing Eye.
- Easy calibration at the surface via CygLink software or Topside Repeater (TSR) unit.
- Removable end plate for full serviceability with access to the Option Switches, Fuse and Status LED.
- Wet mateable 'MC' style underwater connectors.
Cygnus ROV Mountable
Specifically designed for underwater remotely operated vehicles, Cygnus offer two dedicated ROV Mountable thickness gauges, the M5-ROV-2K - 2,000 m depth rated, and the M5-ROV-4K - 4,000 m depth rated. These mountable measurement gauges again benefit from the multiple-echo technology found in all ou... View full product description
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